Total Success Achievement
It is the beginning of another year; in fact the New Year is rolling by fast and your
success goals for so many years are still sitting on the burner. What has been the problem all these years? Answer: you have kept on doing the same things you have been doing in the same ways you have been doing them. There is only one solution – if you want to achieve business and
total success this year, do things differently.
1. Let’s start by looking at your frame of mind when you are setting your goals. It is good that your goals are challenging to you; it is also fine that you have high expectations and positive attitude. But then, it is IMPORTANT that you are realistic about the length of time it takes for you to accomplish each goal.
2. You need to work regularly (i.e. every day) on your goals and this usually means you will have to make some few changes in your life as you presently live it. This will enable you create time for your goals and accelerate the process of achieving those goals.
3. Once you have decided to work consistently on your goals, then you need to schedule specific time that you will be working on the goals and monitor your activities; simply put, have a written plan for accomplishing your goals. It is important that you make long term goals break down into achievable bits. For example, where do you want to be in 5 years? What will you want to achieve at the end of every year for the next 5 years? What will you be doing every month in order to get your annual result? What actions are you going to take every week/every day in order to meet your monthly target?
4. Proper time management is crucial to successful goal achievement. Take cognisance of how you spend your time. All human beings have 168 hours every week; how you spend yours determines the level of your success. When working on your goals, be focused and do not allow anyone to ‘steal your time’ with visits and requests that you have not scheduled. Be polite, but be firm in saying NO to any interruptions. Do not allow people to just drop in on you for a lazy chat when you need to be working on your goals. Solving other people’s problem and rendering assistance will not earn you any income or contribute to your success.
5. WRITE IT DOWN! This is a great success principle which thousands of people take for granted. It is interesting how many people think they have great memory. Many times, though, people do easily forget things they thought they could never forget. The antidote is to always write down everything that is important. Successful people never joke with their daily planners. Writing down important stuff reduces stress because it means you don’t have to remember it; it is there in black and white for you to refer to at any time.
Take action on the above steps and you will be amazed how you easily accomplish your success goals. I shall be sharing more next post.